Second Book - Peak by Roland Smith

Session 1



1. Have you ever had to go somewhere for a trip that you really didn’t want to go on and it ended up being a great time in your lif

2. How long is too long not seeing your own family?

During Reading

1. What was Peak's motive behind climbing the skyscraper? What do you think he got out of it?  Why would he risk his life just to tag a building?

2. How would you describe Peak’s relationship with his parents?  Is this similar or different to the relationship you have with your family?

3.  As a 14-year-old, how would you react if you found out your dad was using you to help make him money? Explain your thoughts.

4. On a mountain like Everest can you afford to be lacking trust in the people leading you? Explain.  Have you ever needed to trust someone when you accomplished something?



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