Book 2 - Mastermind by Korman

Monday, May 11th - Session 1
Read through Chapter 12 p. 131.
Pre-reading activity.  
What does Utopia mean?  Click here for the link.
What would the perfect society mean to you?  How would you describe the world?  Think about how things would get done.  How people would make money.  Would it be needed?

Ongoing Activity on Setting and word choice:
What is the setting of the book?  Pay close attention and make notes of how the names of the town, the streets, the newspaper, and the classes in the school all contribute to the project that is at the heart of this community. What part does language play in the experiment?  Be sure to be able to cite specific words and pages.

Discussion Questions:

 1. Who are the main characters in the book?  From your reading please specify some parts (specific page numbers) that describe some of their traits.  Choose one and make a list of their traits along with parts of the book that allowed you to find out about the character.

2. What is Eli’s first clue that something is not right about his life in Serenity? When do Malik, Hector, Tori, and Amber each realize that there is something wrong with their society? Cite the specific moment when each of them decides to leave.

3. How does Randy change before he leaves Serenity? Why won’t he talk to Eli or visit him in the clinic? How does Randy’s departure trigger other events? Why does Eli decide to go to Randy when he and the others make their break from Serenity? 


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