1st Session Question set

Location, Date and Time - TBD

Session #1 Question Set

1. Readers witness Albert Einstein’s last moments and the desperate attempts of Einstein’s friend and confidant, Ernest Klein, to protect the information about “Pandorabüsche.” Why do you think such attention is given to preventing this information from being discovered? In what ways does the opening scene set the stage for the events to follow? 

2. Despite Einstein’s instructions, Ernst has an incredibly difficult time destroying Einstein’s papers. What makes this act so challenging, even when knowing it’s exactly what his friend wants? As he complies with his friend’s wishes, what does his sense of urgency indicate? 

3. Part 1, “The Fate of the World,” opens with the following Einstein quote: “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” What do you think Einstein means by this? How does this statement make you feel about human nature? Explain your answers. 

4. After learning of Agent Dante Garcia’s intentions and scrutinizing a photo of Charlie Thorne, CIA director Jamilla Carter says, “‘You must be joking.’” Why does Agent Carter appear dumbstruck over Dante’s plan to recruit Charlie? Do you think Dante makes a strong enough case for his plan? Explain your answers. 

5. Think about Charlie’s appearance, personality, and skillsets. How do these traits and characteristics benefit or hinder her in her line of work? What makes her a great asset to the CIA? Explain your answers


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